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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Try this 4 Food that Can Make More Beautiful Skin

To pretty it does not have to be expensive. You can look beautiful with skin brighter with a simple and inexpensive way. Because the food you eat can help you get a bright, beautiful skin.Here are five foods that can make you more radiant, as quoted by the Times of India:

1. StrawberriesStrawberries are one food that has long been believed to be a positive benefit to the skin. These fruits are rich in coenzyme Q10, which is a substance that helps fight free radical damage and reduce the rate of aging.The content of alpha-hydroxyl acids contained in fruit can get rid of dead skin cells and help the body build collagen. Strawberries also contain vitamin C, an important antioxidant that helps prevent the appearance of spots, fight the aging process and the harmful effects of sunlight.

2. TomatoesTomatoes can add to the content of collagen in the skin that can prevent sagging skin. Denagn antioxidants it contains, tomatoes can also reduce fine lines in the skin. Eating tomato sauce and tomato juice may also help clear up acne know.

3. OrangeBesides strawberries, oranges are foods that have a high antioxidant content. These substances can make the skin brighter. The content of vitamin C was able to prevent conditions such as inflammation of the skin.Vitamin C is believed to enhance the absorption of vitamin E and iron in the body, so your skin will be more glowing. No wonder the orange extract is widely used skin care products because of the benefits of 'magic' orange fruit.

4. EggsEggs are not only good to eat and nutritious but also has tremendous benefits for the skin. Eggs can make the skin softer and moist. Amino acids in the egg was believed to help pembantukan new skin cells.A study called the two main antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which eggs are known to increase more than four times the protection against adverse effects of UV. Eat about one egg per day was significantly able to increase blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, but not cholesterol increase.