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Thursday, November 15, 2012

At the Food Truck It Could Breastfeeding Mothers with Comfort

A food truck with bright colors flashed. On the roof there is a mountain of pink like a giant breast. 'The Milk Truck: Feed Your Baby Everywhere' written in the body of the car. Is this food truck selling milk?

Food truck is a method of selling food with a great car. Generally food truck is like a restaurant that can move around. How are commonplace in the United States. Typically, used car has a unique look to attract visitors.

Milk Truck alone blue, pink, and red. At first glance, you might think this food truck selling dairy products such as ice cream for the kids.

This truck was originally used to sell ice cream. However, its function has changed now.

Milk Truck is a breastfeeding can move. Mothers who want to breastfeed their babies can sit in comfortable chairs and a covered canopy. So, when the baby started crying from hunger, mothers can breast feed right away quietly.

Breastfeeding children in public places has become a dilemma for the mother. There's no way to let the baby bawl because of hunger, especially for mothers who exclusively breastfed.

On the other hand, society can not accept the view of the mother who shows her breasts while breastfeeding purposes. Dedicated space to provide ASIpun rarely found, while the WC is certainly uncomfortable, both for mother and baby.

So, Jill Miller makes Milk Truck to campaign for breastfeeding. Miller is an artist from the School of Art, Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA. This unique creations on display at the 2011 Pittsburgh Biennial at the Andy Warhol Museum.

"The primary mission is to assist the Milk Truck hungry baby to eat. We provide a supportive environment for women to breastfeed their babies," she wrote on the official site Milk Truck (06/20/12).

Milk Truck Location information can be known from Facebook, Twitter, and website. Each week, this car will also visit companies that allow nursing mothers. As a token of appreciation, Milk Truck will promote the company.

In addition, if you are being subjected to unpleasant due to breastfeeding in public, the mother can transmit to Milk Truck twit contains the location and situation information. Milk Truck will come in and provide a comfortable place for the mother and child.

Currently, the Milk Truck is taking care of licensing a nonprofit category 501 (c) (3). That is, the movement will continue to promote the right of the baby to be breastfed anywhere and anytime.

I wish there were more cars like this..